Wednesday, April 21, 2010

don't forget crit is at 1, not 1.30..

15 hours... 15 mintues...

Usage Diagram

This is just a diagram outlining the different activities/uses of my community library.
What do you think?



and i just realised i took it from above haha

final masterplan.
Should i print out the masterplan as 1:100 scale?
i tried it but it's too big and my image file might be too big to open in illustrator....
so, i fail to print out this...


Andrew pls check ur mail asap!


This is a montage of the platforms that surround the end of the river. I'm wanting to show views as well as visually represent the architectural scheme is dependent upon/draws from the natural environment. This is one of the concepts that branches from the 'main concept' where both architecture and the natural environment are reliant on one another.

Maybe i've been looking at it for too long, but something seems off..not really sure what. Feedback?
Thanks :)


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lynbrook Community Education Centre

(position statement)

A community spirit is created through the interaction of people within that community. Things such as helping one another to achieve a common goal, sharing common interests, learning from one another and fostering others’ skills all contribute to developing this community spirit and feeling of pride and self worth. In a town or suburb, it is often educational institutions, sporting clubs, social venues or other entertainment activities which act as the catalyst to bring together different people in the community.

This proposal aims at building community spirit and fostering community interaction through the provision of a shared public facility with a focus on community engagement and education. The proposed station design incorporates flexible public teaching spaces and a library that would provide a resource for local groups and societies, students from the two nearby primary schools, and the community at large. The space would act as an educational and social meeting place for local residents and school children, providing a small local library and provision for both classes and meetings, as well as social activities.

Groups such as the Lynbrook Residents’ Association will have the opportunity to hold their meetings, and host their regular guest speakers within the centre. By converging these programs into the station precinct, a convenient community education hub will be created.


technical drawings

So here are a couple of technical drawings. I'm not really sure how to present these because this building, which sits on a platform of changing levels, isn't the main focus of my design. It's equally weighted to all the other the same time, the information in these drawings needs to be shown. This was my thought process when i thought of the scale of these drawings.

Any feedback would be great, thanks!


I make another masterpland.

I'm not sure drawing grass as dots is good or not.

Compared with below masterplan, which is better?

Another Perspective

Ok, these take a while, but hopefully they are worth it. this perspecive is looking up from the steps/0seating on the 'developed side" of teh station, towards james' train station, teh basketball cage and the underpass. its supposed to have a rather busier feel than the other perspective that i have put up.

thoughts much appreciated as usual.



I chanage the masterplan.

I removed 2 sides carparks where were opposite supermarket place

and i color the place where is in grass as green color...

As changing of the masterplan, i will change the position statement.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Perspective with a few changes

Here's another version of my perspective. As i'm not going for a photo real render, i've taken out some of the colour and tried to abstract it a bit. It would be good to see what you think.


lasor cutter

just giving a head up that the lasor cutter is fully booked for the next 2 days, im not sure if they are going to put extra times in but at the moment maybe think about looking at different options...

ps lasor cutter 2 does not work so if your name is down for that cutter you wont be able to cut.


Master plan

This is my temporary masterplan.
now it's pretty faint but i will edit and color trees.
and i'll draw dots for grass near the little pond (but they are inside orange line)
i just wanna show the circulation of carpark and their enterance and exit.
your thought?

Perspective this is a render/perspective of mine, just supposed to give a sense of the "natural" experience that one would have along the path leading back from the station. thoughts?


Hey guys, Other than the black people (which I will change) i still feel like this render is missing something. It is just a view of the east side of the platform, the side where i have planned the youth centre development. thanks! James


hey guys,

im am trying to draw elevations of my bridge and underpass, i am struggling in what to include in the elevations. Do I only include what is above ground and only include the underground in the sections?


Sunday, April 18, 2010

revised master plan

Thanks for the feedback!

I've revised the master plan. Hopefully this visually draws attention to the appropriate areas. My idea is about making nature and architecture reliant on each other so the focus should be the trees, the natural surrounds, footpaths, infrastructure and the platform around the river. Also, Sasha was wondering what the circle on the upper right is, it's the oval. I think it's clearer if it's green as apposed to just an outline.

Hopefully this is clearer still.


Hi Everyone. This is just an explanation of how I've derived the forms of my interventions around the site (in this case, the the underpass wall, which is also an inhabitable space where kids can climb, play and hide etc). Basically I was interested in human proportions so I looked at the golden section and then from there created a faceted inhabitable wall whose openings, slides and ledges are proportioned for children.

Another render... this time with ppl and context

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Rhino 3D objects

Ok, soooooooo......does anyone know a good website for 3d objects that can be places into rhino, ie trees, bushes etc?
I realise this question has been asked before but i'm really struggling to find any realistic objects on the net that can be placed into rhino for rendering purposes etc. any help would be much appreciated.


evie sections and elevations

hey everyone, just

wondering how these read?

i just noticed that i need a floor thickness is the sections, is there anything else that is hard to understand?



This is a photomontages of Northern car park.
I didn't refer about this.This is a roof in Northern carpark.This place can be used as carpark and small exhibition place for school kids' works.How do you think of these?
-Minji (MJ)


MJ's master plan

Hey, guys!
This is my master plan.
I tried to make clear but i can't....
This is too tough...
Which program do you use to make?
To make this, i screen capture from Rhino and edit using photoshop...
and then, which part i need to edit??

MJ's position statement

Cardinia Rd Station is located between Officer and Pakeham station and this place has not developed now but in the south of it, it is proposed that a supermarket will be built. And then, it will be an unstaffed station with provisions made for future upgrade to a Premium station. Therefore, it is need to make larger space for car park and activity area near the station.
As well as people can buy groceries, some stuff for surviving or their needs, the supermarket where is proposed is the main area for communication between residents near the Cardinia Rd, Using the blackboard in the supermarket, people might give and take their information and events etc.
On the South of the station, there will be a supermarket. So, car park in the South is used for station users and supermarket customers and there is huge and unused space opposite this area where supermarket is proposed. The opposite car park will be an exterior theater and small concert hall for any performance for outer Melbourne city residents during night time.
On the Northern parking where more properties than Southern area are, the wavy canopies are made in the middle of the parking place. The wavy canopies have two functions. Parking car under the canopies helps to avoid sunlight and it can be a place for flea market, little exhibition area for school kids who are the students near the schools on weekend. Due to the canopies this place can be changed in each condition.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Danni's Position Statement

So just to prove that I had a killer Friday night drinking and dancing, I thought i'd also upload my recently updated position statement!

Here it goes:


A ‘platform’ is defined as the raised area between or alongside the tracks of a railroad station, generally a flat, elevated surface. In challenging this ‘flat’ and usually linear structure, there is hopefully a gateway to disassociating train stations with crime, filth and discomfort to a more pleasant and natural environment. Creating an exotic, welcoming and interesting place can be achieved through breaking away from ‘cage-like’ barriers, opening up interior spaces and utilising stagnant and void space, previously unused.

There is also an undeniable trend in people reaching the train station individually for their ride to work on the City bound platform. In comparison to the hoards of people who come off on the Pakenham bound platform in the evenings. In this case, the platforms need to accommodate two different types of movement. A smaller entrance and more comfortable waiting spaces for those travelling to work in the morning, and a larger exit and less obstructed spaces for those walking in large groups to their cars or homes in the evenings.

The growing number of young families moving into the Cardinia Road precinct predicts a larger number of education centres opening to keep up with the influx of students. Children attending the surrounding schools will have a chance to display their work to the public. A motivational and rewarding opportunity for youths, and a fantastic addition to the usual static aesthetics of a train station.

In return, Cardinia Roads train station can be simultaneously visited as a community museum and a place for public transport.

So I have worked on the form primarily on the Pakenham side, whereas I have moved over to developing a workable floor plan for the City side. Obviously this means renders are from Pakenham and floor plan is from City.
Any feedback would be great, floor plan is not to scale.

Cheers, Danni

position statement

this is my latest position statement. tell me what you guys think. thanks

Position Statement

There are very few after school programs within the area and with the key demographic being kids and teengaers, it is a much needed thing. In the 2008 Youth Forum Survey run by the Cardinia Shire Council,’activities’ ranked third in key issues after ‘1.drugs’ and ‘2.transport’. Regarding this issue, in the report it states ‘...Closely linked to issues of transport is lack of activities nearby or difficulty getting to activities...’. The two closer after school programs to the site is the Cuckatoo After School Program and the Hip Hop Program.Although they are both in reasonable proximity to the site, the Cuckatoo After School Program is only targeted for 10 year olds and the Hip Hop Program has very limited spaces. The program in Koo Wee Rup does have a wide range of activities but it is quite a distance away from the site. The local goverment council realises the need of more after school program and clearly states it in the 2007-2011 Youth Policy and Strategy.

There are many sport centres that provide for tennis, cricket, equestrian, football, soccer, baseball and netball. However there is only one sport centre within the area that provides for sports such as basketball, indoor soccer and badminton. In the Youth Policy and Strategy Background Paper, the council states that in terms of sports the lack of transport limits the oppurtunities to participate.

I propose a multipurpose studio at the site in which after school activities can take place in for kids of different age groups. A few sporting activites should be incorporated as well, in particular the sporting activites that are lacking within the area. The fact that it would be at a train station would reduce the problems of transportation to the facility. Neighbouring suburbs can just take a train and they would be at their destination without having to worry about busses. The design aims to have a continuous use of the station throughout the day and also an added convenience to the key demographic.


I'm just wanting some feedback on my master plan. Is it clear where the focus is? Is it easy to read and distinguish between different paths? Are the trees any better?

- Amy

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Dans Windows

Hello all. have a look at these images and let me know what you think. was facing the issue of putting windows into my building, without just tacking them on last minute. I wanted to integrate the openings with the geometry ive already created, so as to not take away from the language my building has going. Ive thought about the idea of a sawtooth roof system, and how that allows for light into spaces. if you can see on the images, ive extended the panels on the front facade, then angled them down to connect with the roof, creating my own sawtooth system. I think this will read well in section. The aim was to not change or take away from the front facade of the building. these translucent panels face face nth, and will allow a light into my space. Thoughts....



hey just wondering, for the model we have to build for the ones doing the station, we dont have to do the whole platform do we? cause at 1:100 thats 1.6m. do we just do our main buildings?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hey y'all, here's a quick peek inside my community hub/library.
It's pretty basic, but do you get an idea of the interior from this or do i need to include some more detail?


presentation ideas

Hi Guys - check out these sites for presentation techniques - these are later year architecture students.... Review 2009&

carpark roof montage

couple of montages showing the transition in use of the same space over time. i thought it was the most effective way to convey the idea of the roof as having a multi-purpose throughout the week.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Does anyone know where you can download 2d drawings of furniture?

Underpass Modification

Hey everyone - i've redone my underpass since Monday's class; hopefully now the transition between the "rigid" CBD shapes and the "natural" triangles is smoother and clearer. i have decided to keep working with the triangles at different angles to one another - these are designed to represent the undulating ground and sort of flow into the surrounding hillside.

feedback from the guys that were in my group on the Monday session, and from anyone else, would be greatly appreciated

evie building

Hey everyone,
just wanted some thoughts on the rejig of my building, i have respaced all of the sections at 1.5m intervals and used the water outline as the curve to place them on, i have additionally rotated each section curve to be perpendicular with the water curve.
I think this makes more sense at there is a rule to the spacing, and the wetlands themselve have an influence on the design.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Tim's Folio

grey lines are crop marks! couldn't find away to hide them!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Mid Semester Presentation

Guys - just a reminder - while you are talking to only 10 pages, you must have the complete porfolio with you to refer to if questions from the panel point in that direction. AS

virginia's folio

hopefully this works, i have been getting error messages every time i tried to upload something!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

When the interactive map loads, just search for Cardinia Road Officer and it will load the site with land plots, roads etc. This is the map I traced and have been working with.


Attn Cardinia Road Context People

Its become clear, after finally remembering the details of how to log in here and seeing Sarah Walker's and Todd's work, and comparing it with mine that we all have different sites at varying scales.
This could be a problem....
At the moment my masterplan is almost twice as big as Todd's and both of ours look quite different to Sarah's (particularly around the lake).
So I think we need to sort out one map that we should all use to work off for the future. Because some of (if not all of us) are going to have to change our designs due to size.
Thoroughly pissed off that I've only realised this discrepency now as I'm tipping my gargantuan map will be the one that has to change.
Please post your suggestions for which map we should use.
Thanks, Alex M

Friday, April 9, 2010


hey everyone, just thought id post my idea for a building in the context of the wetlands..
Basically after researching a number of different programs that were related to a wetland building, i came up with the idea to include 10 of these activities and concepts within the building.
I took a section of each activity and then arranged the sections in 3d in rhino and lofted in between the sections to create the form of the building..

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hey guys just a small update on my work, would be good to get some feedback

this is just straight from rhino, nothing fancy but hopefully can give you a picture of my train station. still focusing on using the train line to divide the building and the function. on the nth side the small unmanned station, and on the sth side the larger, civic building which houses community training facilities, offices, large multipurpose/exhibition space, and open cafe/restaurant on the ground level. all this in my pos. statement

the form of the building has derived from the function, as you go along the building it expands to suit the specific needs. ive also kept in my mind the idea of different views from different angles. the commuter parking their car on the nth side has a hugely different view and entrance to that of entering from the sth side. with the triangular panels that form the skin, i wanted to blur the lines between walls and roof. they also flow down along the station platforms (hopefully smoothly) to create a canopy for commuters. the issue of connecting the two autonomous buildings with a roof which also provided a canopy for the platforms was a tough one.

for me now i am really focusing on the circulation of the building, the planning and also the planned upgrade to a premium station. my ideas are to utilise the existing space of the cafe for the station upgrade, turning the cafe from a 'sit down' style to more of the 'take away' style for commuters. will illustrate this a whole lot better through diagrams. below is sketches on how i am setting up the layout. hopefully you can understand it....this is the point im at now, just looking to finalise the plan.

would be really great to get anyones thoughts on any of this

Dan McK
heyy i was wondering if its possible to get a view in rhino at eye level- ie, for the storyboard, views that a person would experience..
-sar walker

Wednesday, April 7, 2010



Sunday, April 4, 2010

do the people doing the context need to do just one big site plan, , or should we do sections/elevations as well?


Saturday, April 3, 2010

evies folio

Friday, April 2, 2010

Position Statement

The context for the station should focus on highlighting the features of Lynbrook’s natural and built environment and should attempt to create a sort of “experience” for users of the site.

Essentially the city-bound side of the station should be a developed area. A convenience store, library and a multi- purpose soccer/basketball cage will be incorporated into the proposed development. Hopefully these new areas, while catering for different demographics, will encourage interaction between citizens and will help to develop a mutual “respect” between various users and generations for one another. The “busy-ness” of this area should help prepare those catching the city-bound train to get used to the environment of the CBD. It should liven up workers heading to the city in the morning and should provide a stimulating experience. Above all, this area should serve as a reminder to the fact that Lynbrook is no longer a rural area, but slowly being engulfed by the city itself.

The other side of the station should be of a completely opposing notion. It should take advantage and expand upon the concept of the wetlands/bushlands that are already there. Focusing on the environmental aspect of Lynbrook will remind people returning home from work/study and the CBD areas that the suburb they are coming home to has a diverse flora & fauna habitat and thus should not be taken for granted. The paths/carpark on should be integrated with this setting in a way that will make the populace think about their actions and the impact that it has on the environment. This area should inspire and should highlight the beauty of the natural environment. It must convey the idea of responsible development; the belief that both the physical and natural environment can co-exist without interference.

Dmitry A

cardinia masterplan?

- sarah walker