Saturday, June 12, 2010

site plan scales

hey guys. sasha here. i was just wondering about scales for the site plan. the top image is at 1:500 and the bottom at 1:1000. the lineweight and shading on the station shows the different translucencys. the problem with the 1:1000 is that u cant really see the detail that well and theres a lot of empty space. with the 1:500 however i cant fit all of the context in but the things that are cut out arent exactly that important. its just the continuation of the car park. the other option is i could stick to the 1:1000, and then do a detailed roof plan of the station at a much larger scale. decisions, decisions....
other comments on the drawings would also be appreaciated =) i shaded the grassland because a lot of my views were about opening up to the grassland. i located the bus bays and taxi bays close to the rehearsal spaces. other than that theres not that much going on with the context in caroline springs


  1. hi sasha - i guess just have a think about the way you're going to describe your project and what's been important to you in the design process,then choose your drawings that way. i would definitely put in a drawing that shows the scheme as a whole, plus context, as it shows you've been thinking about the site and its surrounds.

  2. hey sasha, Im not sure what your scheme is about, but maybe chuck in some trees and vergetation, even if there isn't any there now, propose them unless its about something like looking over a giant plain. maybe lighten the weigh of the carpark too if it isnt important, and then you can lighten the station so it is a little more readable.

    Minor thing, with the train track intersection, maybe make it a little more fluid so it reads as one track eg, the black centre line doesn't continue through.

    So I think just trees or something in the larger plan, and then it wont look so empty!

    good luck evie

  3. thanks evie. i'll have a think about the trees. and i'll def fix up the train track and the car park lineweight. now that you mention it, it the car park really does look quite strong
